Re: 問一個英文

4/28/2006 · 0 comments

You go"t" it.
由於 t 在兩個母音中間 (o 跟 i), 大部份美國人連音 會把 t 發成 d,然後 it 的 t 會停住不發或很小聲(氣音,不是喉音)。聽起來會變成:
You godi!
所以,他會聽成沒有 it 不能算他的錯。
只是這個句子一定要有受詞,所以一定要有 it,要不然句子就不完整了。
舉幾個 t 改發 d 音的例子,其餘類推...
No"t" a"t" all.
I go"tt"a go.
Let's ge"t" ou"t" of here.
bo"tt"om, grea"t"er,
pa"tt"ern, representa"t"ive,
wa"t"er, win"t"er...
按: 本文轉載自 P_nikee板@wretch,
回應 nikee 之 問一個英文 一文,于Fri Apr 28 22:09:56 2006

Around Columbus (2) -- Delaware Lake, Ohio

4/25/2006 · 0 comments

Around Columbus (2)
Delaware Lake, Ohio
因為背傷不得不再進DL,可是最近天氣實在是好到靠杯,就開著車子四處逛逛了。特別繞遠路繞道東邊,通過了一個小鎮: Ashley,非常非常迷你的小鎮,我穿過市中心,好久好久才有車子過去... orz
Delaware State Park 是距離 Columbus 北邊大約 35 mi的州立公園。Delaware Lake 的東緣非常原始,沼澤保育,立了很多的鳥屋,可供人賞鳥。讓我無意中發現一個賞鳥的好地方,這次裝備不夠,下次要帶望遠鏡才行。北邊則很多人拖汽艇船下水 做水上活動。西邊比鄰 US-23 大道,因此非常人工。小木屋、草皮、釣魚烤肉,並且利用湖面的相對落差建立了一個小水壩,但不像上次我去的Hoover Dam規模那麼大。因為落差不大,所以一堆人在下游釣魚,我實在很懷疑,就在壩下這樣釣得到嗎? O_o
就當我找好角度要照 Delaware Lake 的招牌時,打開相機螢幕顯示: No card present!! 我的記憶卡還在我家的 laptop 裡沒拔出來...
I-670 W --> I-71 N --> OH-61 N --> OH-229 W -->
Horseshoe Rd. S --> Hanover Rd. W --> Main Rd. W --> US-23

Around Columbus (1) -- Hoover Dam, Ohio


Around Columbus (1)
Hoover Dam, Ohio
之前找房子時看到 sign 指著 Columbus 東北邊有一個 Hoover Dam,跟 Las Vegas 的Hoover Dam 同名啊~~ 當下就要找時間去看看,趁現在春暖花開,拿起我的 4500 就開始找路啦~
整 個 Hoover Reservoir 南北狹長型,中間有三個通道可以通過,我看了google的衛星圖,顯示水壩是在她的南邊,因此我便想從旁邊的I-71 繞到最北邊,一路沿著湖邊南下。由衛星圖上看來,沿岸都是"好野人"的房子,我順便可以欣賞一下,這些價值不匪的豪宅。雖然看了地圖,還是出了一些小狀 況,我從水庫西邊下來,不過順利到達水庫中段的橋。沿路就看到湖裡一堆帆船似乎是在那裡練習,我便過橋進入了類似 boat club 的地方。一對人在哪裡聚會,應該是個帆船的訓練營吧~
再過橋返回西岸,繼續往南下不一會兒就到了水庫的最南邊也就是大壩的地方。相當不錯的人工設 施,自行車道、烤肉、散步、慢跑或釣魚等...也有小船的 floating dock跟一圈鴨子保護區... =.=a 那裡的鴨子很兇,真的很鴨霸-- 因為那裡是他們的地盤... orz
I-670 E --> I-71 N --> OH-37 E --> OH-3 S -->
Big Walanut Rd. S --> S Surbury Rd. S



作者 mph (夢白) 看板 P_mph
標題 回到以前
時間 Wed Apr 26 10:56:40 2006
※ 引述《shurin (天曉得)》之銘言:
> 就等你將路現勘查完畢,
> 整理、歸納出最佳路線囉 :P
> 這樣我才知道得將釣魚、望遠鏡、攝影、露營等配備準備到何種程度囉

院 共系共時間總是在星期三下午,每次都是系上沒事,我就獨自一人騎著NSR往海邊跑。夏天就走大度路經淡水、淡金公路到基隆;在走台五線回南港上山。冬天反 過來,先到基隆再淡水,然侯回山上,全程大概120多公里吧~ 過淡金到基隆路段是要過山的,常常會遇到地形陣雨,因此"風起雲湧"的大氣系服濕了又乾,然後乾了又濕,真是感到風雲變色之無常。
中西部的大陸型氣候果然跟大陸東岸的海岸型氣候不同,沒有明顯的雨季,至少冬春交際晴朗的日子多到令人覺得匪夷所思。加上saving time,天黑的特別晚。這裡要找海可能比較難,就盡量找有水的地方了。
儘管NSR換成 Corolla,儘管沒有"風雲際會"... Finally, I am back to my old life with my 4500.
感謝 Shurin 教我 photography,可以讓我紀錄下來跟妳們分享。希望不要再發生那種記憶卡忘了拔笨事了。 orz
還好沒有一笨再笨... orx

The Weather Makers, by Tim Flannery -

4/20/2006 · 0 comments

The Weather Makers, by Tim Flannery - "
Hour.caThe Weather Makers, by Tim Flannery, Canada - 12 hours ago
... One of The Weather Makers' most valuable features is the wealth of scientific data it makes accessible to the layest of laymen. ...
Opera Atelier pays a successful return visit to Monteverdi's Orfeo Now Toronto
The Cost of Doing Nothing is Enormous Embassy
Web Extra - Climate change the greatest problem facing our ... Winnipeg Free Press (subscription)
all 4 related"

[文章] 男人需要永遠記住的20條 -- 摘錄


14. 請不要欺騙善良的女孩。這個世界上,善良的女孩太少。
8. 請永遠積極向上。每個男人都有他可愛的地方,但是不可愛的地方只有不積極面對生活。
17. 受到再大的打擊,只要生命還在,請相信每天的太陽都是新。
12. 請不要為自己的相貌或者身高過分擔心和自卑。
16. 請一定要有自信。你就是一道風景,沒必要在別人風景裡面仰視。
5. 事業(前途?)遠比愛情重要。如果說事業都不能永恆,那麼愛情只能算是曇花一現。
3. 吃飯7成飽最舒服。對待女友最多也請你保持在7成。
18. 愛情永遠不可能是天平。你想在愛情裡幸福就要捨得傷心。
15. 不能完全的認為金錢萬能,至少,金錢治不好愛滋病和絕症。

Taiwan Struck by 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake, Weather Bureau Says - Bloomberg

4/16/2006 · 0 comments

Taiwan Struck by 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake, Weather Bureau Says - Bloomberg: "Taiwan Struck by 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake, Weather Bureau Says
Bloomberg - 10 hours ago
April 16 (Bloomberg) -- A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan at 6:40 am local time, the Central Weather Bureau said on its Web site. ...
Earthquake felt in various parts of Taiwan Xinhua
Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan Mainichi Daily News
Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan Hindu - Hindustan Times - all 61 related"

Re: 福衛三號可增強颱風預報準備率1到2成


ok...這顆衛星很現在很熱門,暫時把P_mph板當八掛板,報一下八卦... XD
1)首先,這系列衛星與一般 geostationary 與 polar orbit 影像頻道觀測不大一樣,他是透過無線電波的穿透大氣層折射(或散射等),訊號衰減的程度反演大氣層的狀況,所以,沒有可見光之類的影像資料出來...
2)既然透過無線電波的發射與接收,就要有發射與接收的東西,這系列六顆衛星,主要就是發射電波。空對空的訊號接收就由其他的低軌衛星(Low Earth Orbit,LEO)來做;空對地的訊號就由地面站(ground base)來完成。
第二則是近地表的水氣層的 variability 會干擾電波訊號的觀測演算。
首 先,地面接收站的密度與品質,直接關係到觀測的內容,不夠密的話,等於形同虛設,目前我知道的是日本全國 ground base密度最高(詳細數字我忘了),甚至考慮放幾個在浮標上擺在海岸邊,能讓觀測網更為完整。台灣有幾個? 實際數字我忘了,現在應該有多設一些了。
再 來是水氣的影響...當時我看到很好的結果,包括垂直溫度反演,臭氧等氣體分布等等,都是在 10 km以上。 舉手發問: 那10 km以下? Well...仍然很多誤差要處理。所以,其實華衛三號觀測效果最好的是電離層觀測,可能可以達到 80%、90%甚至更高的準確度。 至少,從德國與加拿大兩國的觀測結果來看是這樣沒錯。
6)接收資料的程序...ㄜ...糟糕降子會不會太八卦? orz

出來跑了才知道,我們國家在現實國際社會中,真的是非常非常沒有地位... :(



【中央社 記者韋樞新竹十五日電】
福衛三號星系今早在美國成功發射,六顆微衛星從此進入軌道轉換、星系部署和科學任務階段。太空及氣象專家指出, 福衛三號可以測得從地面到40公里高空的垂直溫度和濕度變化資料,對現有颱風預報準確率可再增強 1到 2成,不過福衛三號仍缺乏風場資料,需借助「投落送」來補強資料。
福衛三號的六顆微衛星分佈於地球表面 700到 800公里高的不同軌道,分別圍繞著地球運轉,組成涵蓋全球的低軌道微衛星星系,以接收美國24顆全球定位衛星(GPS)所發出的訊號。利用先進「無線電 掩星」 (RadioOccultation)技術,觀測範圍涵蓋全球大氣層及電離層氣象資訊,每天提供全球平均2500點的輸入資料值。
這些資 料均勻分佈於全球上空,在三小時內可反應在全球氣象的計算分析,可以提高氣象預報更新的頻率,也將改進氣象預報模式。除了氣象預報實際效益外,衛星還可長 時間觀測氣候變遷現象、對電離層進行動態監測、進行全球太空天氣預報、和提供地球重力研究等相關科學研究,並和國外交流氣象觀測資料,提昇台灣在這方面的 國際地位和重要性。
福衛三號計畫總主持人陳正一表示,目前絕大多數氣象預報資料的蒐集主要來自世界各地約900 個地面探空站,靠施放高空氣球來測量溫度和濕度。但這些測站都侷限在陸地,佔地球70% 的海洋測站相當少,所以無法建立真實的全球天氣模型。氣象衛星或雷達雖然可以提供較廣範圍的觀測,但是由高空垂直向地面蒐集資料,不容易得到不同高度上變 化的資訊,而福衛三號正可改善目前的缺點。
國家太空中心首席科學家陳秋榮表示,福衛三號是由接收 GPS衛星訊號在大氣中傳播所受的折射量,用物理和數學方法倒算出大氣溫度、壓力、水汽壓力,進行即時氣象預報,並可同時推算電離層游離電子密度。

Climate-monitoring satellites successfully launched into orbit - San Jose Mercury News

4/15/2006 · 0 comments

Climate-monitoring satellites successfully launched into orbit - San Jose Mercury News: "Climate-monitoring satellites successfully launched into orbit
San Jose Mercury News, USA - 5 minutes ago
- Six weather satellites successfully reached orbit and were ready to begin their five-year mission to track hurricanes, monitor climate change and study space ...

A Jogging Doll


Try to record the conversations between a jogging girl and me on the dam of Hoover Reservoir this afternoon as possible as I can. Due to my poor English, hopefully, my responses are not so stupid. orz
I am so surpise that she gave me a Chinese Christain hand book with a PO Box in Taipei. She doesn't even know Chinese!!
Don't blame me for: No picture, no truth. I don't even ask her name or information. I think it's unpolite to picture with a girl at first meeting. However, she is so cute and shining, like a pretty doll.

Girl: "Hello~ This is a stuff for the church." (give me a hand book)

mph: (Shocking) "Hi! Oh... Thanks!" (opening the note, which drafts some words from the Bible, but it's Chinese)

Girl: "I guess you might speak Mandarin..." "Someimes, I did this to somebody before."

mph: "Oh.. Thanks! My name is Meng-Pai. Nice to meet you."

Girl: "Meng....Pai.." (repeat several times) "Englsih name?"

mph: "Sorry. I don't have English name..." "Do you live around here?"

Girl: "About 10 mins." "I was born in US." (or to here from 3 years old <==I am not quite sure) "I am a Cantonese." "Sorry, I

don't konw how to speak Chinese."

mph: "Oh... How do you communicate with your patents?"

Girl: "Actually, I am half and half..." "My Dad is Cantonese..." "Do I look like an Asian?"

mph: "I see. Yes, you are."

Girl: "Really?" (smile)

mph: "And look very young"

Girl: "Ha.. Do you think how old I am?"

mph: "Mmmm. say 18?"

Girl: "It is a good number!" "Somebody would like to say 16 or 17."

mph: "Mmmm... Very young, though. Maybe I sohulod say 15..."

Girl: "So I look like an Asian and young.."

mph: "Right! your are beautiful."

Girl: "Oh... Thank you!" (smile)

mph: "Actually, I am from Taiwan, not Mainland China."

Girl: "Oh... I have some Taiwanes friends in Church."

mph: "Have you ever been in Taiwan?"

Girl: "No. I have never be out of here." "I visited my friend in Virginia. That's it." "How long have you been here?"

mph: "I came to Columubs last September."

Girl: "Do you like it?" "Where do you live?" "Do you live alone or with your family?"

mph: "I live at southwest of campus."

Girl: "You live off campus." "I have some friends live at that area."

mph: "Actually, I graduated from University of Maryland." "Compare with Columbus..."

Girl: "I know... it is kind of boring..."

mph: "I checked the google maps showing a resevoir around here. So I jsut come here to walk around."

Girl: (Point out my camera) "And take some pictures?"

mph: "Yes!" "Do you usually run around here?"

Girl: "Ya! Usually on the dam. I just wanna do the exercise." "Can we walk?" "What's your major?"

mph: "Atmospheric science."

Girl: "Science?"

mph: "Atmospheric... weather."

Girl: "No way!"

mph: "My pervious research focues on satellite remote sensing."

Girl: "Satellite remote sensing..." "How is that? Am I good?"

mph: "Very good!"
more pictures of Hoover Dam are here:

NASA Technology Spawns Weather, Climate Satellite Constellation - Jet Propulsion Laboratory

4/14/2006 · 0 comments

NASA Technology Spawns Weather, Climate Satellite Constellation - Jet Propulsion Laboratory: "
Space RefNASA Technology Spawns Weather, Climate Satellite Constellation
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA - 14 hours ago
A globe-spanning constellation of six weather and climate research satellites based on a novel application of NASA-developed technology is set to launch from ...
COSMIC satellites to study atmosphere ZDNet
NASA to Webcast Minotaur Launch of Cosmic Spacecraft TMCnet
Cosmic constellation to study atmosphere MSNBC
Lompoc Record - Space Ref - all 19 related"



當年看了幾篇有關 MCCs的文章,首推 MADDOX 的 Mesoscale convective complexes 這篇 Dr. Bill Kuo 也推薦,要認識中尺度對流的人一定要看。

Mesoscale convective complexes
American Meteorological Society, Bulletin. Vol. 61, pp. 1374-1387. Nov. 1980


1)Structure and dynamics of suppercell thunderstorms

by Richard Thompson and Roger Edwards

3)Types of Thunderstorms
In order to form a supercell, three ingredients are necessary: high thermal instability, strong winds in the middle and upper troposphere, and veering of the wind with height in the lowest kilometer.

4)What is a supercell?
Charles A. Doswell III
Norman, Oklahoma
...That definition is that a supercell is a convective storm that possesses a deep, persistent mesocyclone. By "deep" I mean that the circulation meeting mesocyclone criteria is present and vertically connected through a significant (say, 1/3) fraction of the depth of the convective storm. By "persistent" I mean in comparison to a convective time scale defined by the time it takes a parcel to rise from the base of the updraft to its top (on the order of 10-20 min). A "mesocyclone" can be defined in many ways; I prefer to use the vorticity magnitude, where a "mesocyclonic vorticity unit" is 10-2 s-1.

按: 本文轉載自 P_mph板@wretch,
回應 Waitingchen 之 supercell?! 一文,于Fri Apr 14 11:15:46 2006


4/11/2006 · 0 comments

特此一 po 以資紀念...

Chien-Ming Wang

4/07/2006 · 0 comments

今天是洋基AAA Clippers的開幕戰,感謝書安系上同學的買票密碼(<===反正我也不到那是什麼系統,可以看免錢的就是了)。
AAA 的球場比較寒酸,比起大聯盟的球場,真是一整個簡單到不行,看台人數也少很多。買票進去不劃位,我們當然就挑最好的位置--一生中看棒球都不可能做的夢幻 位置--三壘邊線旁,客隊休息區正上方的位置。沒有網子啊,擦界外棒球K到可真不是好玩的。中間是有一球直衝過來,不過還好很低滾地球,沒戴手套去,要不 然K可能真要送ER...
看台下方大廳牆壁上掛著各年度上大聯盟的球員吧(!?),找到我們的台灣之光 Chien-Ming Wang,就是這張照片的由來。上次馨勻她們來看球,是直接照真人,現在真人已經在大聯盟了,我們現在只能照這張圖像過乾癮。 XD

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